Welcome to The Dance Docs

Hi, and welcome to the first episode of The Dance Docs Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Kat Bower Physical Therapist.   The concept for this podcast was sparked by the thought provoking questions from the dancers that I have worked with over the years.  Throughout my career as both a dancer and now therapist I have always been on a constant search to understand how to optimize movement and keep dancers performing at their best.  I was fortunate enough that when I was transitioning from being an active dancer to a physical therapist I had a mentor who created a safe space for me to ask questions (which I hated doing) and explore movement in a rehab realm, this became a spring board for me to jump into the next phase of my life.  Over the last few years I have found comfort in having a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy to geeking out over advances in sports and dance medicine, injuries, and rehab methods.  This last year brought on new personal challenges that transformed the way I look at treating through a more holistic approach, not only the biomechanics of how to improve a dancers ability to succeed at their day to day tasks but also how diet, nutrition and mental clarity play into a dancers ability to return to their highest level.

My goal for this podcast is to create a space where dancers, practitioners, teachers and anyone in the dance community can come to ask their questions regarding dancer health and wellness.  This space is for you. 

Our first series of podcasts will be Ask The Dance Docs where myself and Dr. Kathleen Davenport MD will focus on  answering your questions on all things musculoskeletal, whether it’s how to get over nagging injuries? What are good cross training methods? How many relevés should I really be doing?  We are ready and looking forward to your questions.

In time I hope to expand into two other segments that look at the dancer as a whole and also interviews with some of the top dance medicine researchers and practitioners to answer your most frequently asked questions.

I am really excited to welcome you to this space and see how it grows.  To submit your questions you can visit us at Thedancedocs.com or you can e-mail your questions directly to thedancedocs@gmail.com Please include as much information as possible so we can dig in and provide you with the best answers.

We look forward to hearing from you and tune in every other week for new episodes!

In Health Dr. Kat


Ask The Dance Docs Episode 1: Tips for injury prevention, heels to pointe shoes, and best supplements for inflammation